Saturday, 4 May 2013

It's The Little Things: The Sweetest Socks Of All

Who can resist the charms of socks with sheep on them? Not me, that's for sure. It's been a long time since I had any new, fun socks. In fact, I didn't used to wear socks very often, but now with the weather so changeable I tend to choose rain-proof shoes over ballet flats which necessitates the wearing of socks. Am I growing up and becoming more sensible? Perhaps. But these cute socks certainly don't reflect that! Sheep and giraffes to wear with my work uniform of jeans and black Vans, and a sweet, frilly coral ankle pair to wear with a skirt and heels when the weather gets a little warmer. They were all a sweet treat from my boyfriend, and I'm very happy with them! He knows me well.

Fun fact: I wore the giraffe socks for the first time last night. Well, it was raining, and it takes me half an hour to walk to work. While the rain looked inconsequential from inside, it turns out it really wasn't. It turned torrential and I got absolutely soaked, including my shoes and socks, so I spent my first ten minutes at work blow drying my new socks!


  1. Omg the socka with sleep they are sooo cute !!!!!:) and the one with lace too :)
    Come and see me and If you want we cant follow each other ?:)

  2. amazing socks, love this!

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  3. The giraffes are amazing! Fun socks always cheer me up!

  4. I love fun socks! I have so much happiness out of wearing polka-dot socks under all my boots!

  5. I love the giraffe socks :) I'm a huge fan of reason! :)

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